The Power of Follow-Up Questions: How They Can Transform Your Conversations

The Power of Follow-Up Questions How They Can Transform Your Conversations

The article we’ll discuss how to engage in productive conversations and the value of follow-up questions.

In terms of improving our interpersonal relationships and skills, conversation starters are a fantastic tool as they can help us break the ice and to know each other better.

However, I’ve come to realize that asking follow-up questions are equally important especially for people who aren’t able to open up quickly.

I’ve always been shy and introverted and don’t like to open myself up to people easily.

However, I’ve observed that when people show interest regarding me, my hobbies and goals — or anything else that gets me excited I am able to tell it’s much easier to me to talk more of myself .

Their genuine enthusiasm usually leads me to want to be with them more often, get to know them more often, and to learn more about them.

According to Jeff Haden explains in an article published in Inc Magazine, some people have this inherent ability to make you speak freely.

They are extremely social.

They will ask you open-ended questionswhich makes it much easier to be open.

Particularly, I have found that questions to follow-up create conversations that are interesting and stimulating — and more so than conversation starting points.

How to Have Meaningful Conversations: The Power of Follow-Up Questions

A lot of people are adept in making use of conversations starting points but very few are also adept at taking a deep dive and showing genuine interest in the information you are talking about with them.

Conversation starters is, as the name suggests are limited to conversations that begin — or for those awkward silences.

Additionally they could also be employed to keep a conversation flowing while switching the subject.

If you just depend on them in an exchange, you don’t necessarily encourage them to speak up and share their thoughts. You don’t get to know anything about them.

Questions to follow-up are, instead, the questions you should ask if you wish to learn more about what someone has to say to you.

These are the kinds of questions that help to make conversations deeper since by asking them, you can encourage your friend to elaborate on the topics they’re already discussing.

The inability to ask follow-up questions during the course of a conversation is similar to going through the introduction of a book, but not going through the remainder of the book.

You’re missing the most fascinating and crucial portion in the text: the actual contents.

Here are some follow-up questions that will assist you in encouraging deep and meaningful conversations with other people and increase your communication capabilities.

1. Why?

Have you heard of Five Whys Technique ?

The Five Whys Technique is a method employed to investigate the causes-and-effect relationship to explain a particular problem. It seeks to determine the root of a issue by asking the “Why?” after each answer. This means that each answer is the basis for following questions.

This technique can be used in conversations. The act of asking the questionmore than once during the course of a conversation is an excellent method of encouraging the person to talk about their feelings.

Q: What makes you believe you are feeling this in this way?

A because X happened to me.

Q: What makes you believe X causes you to feel this in this way?

A: It is always a way to make me feel that way.

Q: Do you know the reason for why X always feels like this? Have you ever considered it?

A: Most likely because of Y. If I focus harder on my Y skills, X will not have a major impact on me in the near future.

This is an example of a conversation in which the reasonis repeated more than once.

It is obvious that there is no need to inquire the reasonfive times. Three times or twice is sufficient.

As Robert Taibbi L.C.S.W. describes , the Five Whys The technique can aid someone in identifying the main problems and reach a better issue.

Furthermore the fact that, as Jenn Granneman points out in an article published in Psychology Today, engaging in deep conversations can be beneficial for our health.

In her piece, Granneman is referring to Granneman is referring to a study carried out at the University of Arizona, according to which happiness could be improved through making it easier for the process of m an eaningful conversations.

In a nutshell, by continually asking what the reason is,we help the other person to reflect and to open up — if they’re willing to talk about it and make the conversation more meaningful.

2. What Do You Mean By…?

One question to ask to determine if something is unclear to you is “What do you mean by X?” It’s an additional question that comes with many advantages.

It is a sign that you are attentive. Additionally, it motivates the person who is speaking to you to talk further about their own experiences and to get their message to the point.

In the end, it can help you to know what the person sitting in front of you is actually saying to ensure that when it’s time to reply you’ll be able to add value to the conversation and the other person is likely to feel more understood.

As Leon F. Seltzer Ph.D. explains the importance of feeling understood for our mental wellbeing and makes us feel loved and secure.

Therefore, asking questions in order to understand someone better and make them feel comfortable is crucial to get one to share their thoughts with us.

3. Tell Me More

“I was thinking of starting a French course this semester.”

“Interesting! This sounds fascinating. Please tell me more about it. .”

I’ve had this kind of conversation many times and I’ve noticed that whenever someone says “Tell me more!” I am comfortable with them. It’s like I know they’re very keen to hear the information I’m sharing.

People with great interpersonal abilities know that Simple “tell me more” telling me more is always a good way to engage in a deeper conversation and encourage your partner to share their thoughts. You don’t need to think of what questions to make sure in order to continue the discussion moving and the other person , it’s easy to ask.

Additionally, a phrase such as “tell me more” is an effective method to apply the ideas Dale Carnegie once said:

Chat with someone who knows about themselves , and they’ll talk to you for hours.

4. Can I Do Something to Help?

People who listen to conversations passively easily getting distracted or lose focus. Therefore, if you are able to engage in conversation and offer assistance to someoneelse, you will are noticed by them.

An additional question, such as “Can I do something to help?” could have a major impact. This means that you’re not just willing to sit in the room as a listener, but do something for someone else. This is one of the most effective ways to enhance your interpersonal skills.

If you provide emotional, psychological or even functional assistance When you offer assist others, you are demonstrating real altruism that is among the most noble human traits.

In the report that was published by Psychology Today, people who are willing to go the extra mile to help others typically get something in returnan intangible reward like admiration or respect or even financial assistance later on.

A few months ago , I faced a challenge at work and was talking with a friend about the issue. I didn’t expect her to solve my issues but I simply wanted to chat. After I had explained to her my situation, she asked, “I’m really sorry about this circumstance. Is there anything I could do? Do I have something I can do to assist?”

Because of the circumstances the woman was unable to do anything. could do, however I felt that I was taken care of. In a different method, I was able to feel that I was supported emotionally by someone else, which helped me more open than I normally do.

5. And You?

Simple “And you?” is the perfect method of keeping a conversation going and inspire individuals to share more information about their own life.

“How do things go? What is the story about the project you told me ? ?”

“All is well, thank you. I’m extremely happy about this project. I’m getting ready to start the website. You? How’s all going?”

The majority of people prefer to divert conversations to them. In reality the opposite is true, like Joseph Burgo Ph.D. explains in an article published in Psychology Today, the vast majority of people are focussed on themselves . They’re focussed on their own interests and their own needs for emotional their own personal interests, and also for.

When we converse with people who demonstrate an genuine enthusiasm for what we’re speaking about we feel more comfortable in their presence.

One of the best methods to demonstrate a genuine interest in someone and increase your interpersonal abilities by redirecting conversation to them by saying “And you?”

Final Thoughts

There are few things more satisfying than creating solid friendships  and  being able to connect with other people. Life is too short to restrict ourselves to superficial friendships.

Simple follow-up questions, such as “Why?” “Can I do something to help?” “What about you?” could help improve your interpersonal capabilities, and allow you to encourage an individual to share their thoughts and have deeper conversations with them.

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